Rythmo-Cats Club de Gymnastique Rythmique
Rythmo-Cats est un club de gymnastique rythmique, gymnastique esthétique et art du cirque. Notre club a des nombreux groupes pour différents âges et niveaux. Vous pouvez inscrire votre enfant à partir de 18 mois et passer du bon temps avec lui. Chaque groupe a son propre programme adapté à l'âge et au niveau des enfants.
Nos gymnastes participent souvent à des compétitions locales et internationales, des masterclasses et des camps d'entraînement.
Le club "Rytmo-Cats" organise des journées "portes ouvertes", fêtes, concerts de gala et compétitions au Luxembourg.
Nous avons des entraîneurs et des chorégraphes professionnels.
Le premier entrainement d'essai est gratuit.
Venez et nous apprendrons à vos enfants à être agiles, courageux et capables de travailler en équipe.
Каждая группа занимается по программе, которая адаптирована к возрасту и уровню подготовки детей.
Наши гимнастки постоянно участвуют как в местных, так и в международных соревнованиях, мастер классах и спортивных сборах.
Since 2012
Rythmo-Cats - клуб художественной гимнастики, эстетической гимнастики и циркового искусства. В нашем клубе множество групп, для разных возрастов и уровней. Вы можете записать ребенка с возраста 18 месяцев и проводить прекрасное и полезное время вместе с ним на занятии.
Клуб "Ритмо Кэтс" организовывает и проводит открытые уроки, праздники, гала концерты и соревнования на территории Люксембурга.
У нас работают профессиональные тренеры и хореографы.
Первое пробное занятие бесплатно.
Приходите, и мы научим ваших детей быть ловкими, смелыми, уметь работать в команде и дружить.
Our team
Train with the Best
Get to know the dedicated coaches and passionate staff behind Rythmo-Cats. We all come from different backgrounds and are united in our passion for this incredible sport! Read more about our staff and professional coaches below

Coach of aesthetic gymnastics leisure and competition groups
Master of sports in artistic gymnastics, graduate of choreography faculty. Worked as artistic gymnastics coach and fitness instructor. Completed a course for rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics coaches.


Ulzana Kurmel
Сoach of leisure and advanced groups
Graduated in 1983 from the Moscow Circus School of. Has been performing with several circuses and variety shows all over the world.

Сoach of leisure groups
Choreographer and coach of Leisure group.
Graduated in choreography and theatre stage direction. Teaches classical and gymnastics choreography. Winner of multiple dance

Performed in the circus studio of Natalia Zorina Graduate of Kyiv State Academy of Circus and Variety Arts, Circus and Variety Faculty.
Taught circus arts in Ukraine and Belgium.
Certified rhythmic gymnastics judge "Superior".
FIG-sertified paramedical specialist.

Coach of competition groups in individual and group exercises
Has an international level master of sports degree in the Russian Federation. Silver medalist of 2005 European championship in group exercises.
Winner of 2006 Gymnasiade in group exercises. Multiple medalist in group exercises of national championships of the Russian Federation and international tournaments from 2004 to 2007.
Started her career as a coach in 2009 in Russia under leadership of Vera Shamanskaya in the Academy of Irina Viner and in cooperation with Natalia Kukushkina.
Certified rhythmic gymnastics judge "Superior"

Coach of advanced and competition groups
Professional gymnast for 12 years. Lithuania's rhythmic gymnastics champion in 2015, 2013. Participant of 5 European championships. Member of Lithuania's national team for 5 years. Coaching experience in Lithuania and France.
Coach of leisure groups and choreographer of competition groups
Graduate of dance pedagogy of Vilnus University of Applied Sciencies. Works as a dance teacher/trainer since 2007.